

Excerpt from Gaebrel’s Gamble

Excerpt from Gaebrel’s Gamble

Gaebrel is a wandering rogue, living by his wits and the edge of his blade. Taken prisoner by a cruel pirate queen, he bargains for his freedom by promising to steal for her a mighty treasure. With a motley crew of desperate men, he sets sail across a universe of high adventure…and into a world of trouble.

The Glorious Cause

The Glorious Cause

In the end, however, the intangible played as great a part as organization or system in keeping the army going. The army’s will to survive and to fight on short rations, its willingness to suffer, to sacrifice, made the inadequate adequate and rendered the failures of...

Art Therapy

Art Therapy

For my part I know nothing with any certainty, but the sight of the stars makes me dream. Vincent van GoghThe best art, the best creation, the best stuff is not always planned, measured, placed on backorder and held until the layaway is paid up in full. Sometimes the...

Gaebrel’s Gamble – Where It All Started

Gaebrel’s Gamble – Where It All Started

Nine Suns There Are...Everything has an origin point. When it comes my journey as a writer, this may not be the actual beginning, but it's as good as it gets.. And yes, this is a shameless plug for my book. There will be others. Gaebrel’s Gamble Book One of the Nine...

Holland 1945 Psychedelia

Holland 1945 Psychedelia

The world is this incredibly blurry, crazy dream that I'm just sort of stumbling through. Jeff MangumI was never a fan of Neutral Milk Hotel back in the day, being a young man in the late 90's who stopped listening to music for nearly a decade after grunge flamed out...

It’s been a while…

It’s been a while…

Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away. Philip K. DickFriends, its been a strange year, to say the least. You may have noticed (or at least I hoped you noticed) a distinct lack of activity on the Zackerium side of things. No new books,...