On the Importance of the Belgariad

On the Importance of the Belgariad

On the Importance of the Belgariad 1991. Bill Clinton was in the White House. Gas cost…well to be honest I don’t remember, but a whole lot less than it does now. A can of coke could be had for .50 cents from the local vending machine. And I was a nervous 14-year...
The Glorious Cause

The Glorious Cause

The Glorious Cause In the end, however, the intangible played as great a part as organization or system in keeping the army going. The army’s will to survive and to fight on short rations, its willingness to suffer, to sacrifice, made the inadequate adequate and...


Books are like meals. Every time we crack open a new volume, we dream that what lies inside is a feast for the senses, a giant well-cooked masterpiece of action, adventure and thought-provoking concepts tat challenge how we view the world, stimulating the mind even as...